Micro Plush Fleece Blanket - QUEEN (Unit = 1 case = 4/ea. Sold by the case, Price Each)
The Micro-plush Hotel Polar Fleece Blanket, 100% Polyester, offers the warmth of wool, the comfort of cotton, and the convenience of polyester, Color: Desert Tan, QUEEN Size: 90"x 90"
The perfect year round blanket and so popular in hotels for many years. The 100% polyester brings you the ultimate in warmth and comfort, and the machine-washable fabric and is easy to clean.
Available in a variety of colors:- Navy, Vanilla, Light Blue, Jade, Dessert Tan.For Home use, this microplush fleece blanket offers a size perfect for watching a movie alone or snuggling up on the sofa. This soft blanket is ideal for use in the bedroom during cooler weather or as a throw in the living room.
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